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Moving the Point of Fixity


This article is excerpted from my book Ouverture dans la continuité du temps (2002), a proposal to understand the nature of the Point of Fixity, a focus on what we know of the world: that is to say, just a few. A mouving of Point of Fixity occurs with the Wheel of Energy Flows where you face your ability to expand your energy body. This theme also relates to the Wheel of the Guardians of the Dream Dancer and Great Teachers who have no physical body. Moving the Point of Fixity aligns other perceptions while your physical body is present here in the sphere of his birth. Some speak of displacement of the assemblage point move that even a physical body.

Only your personal energy potential will be the engine of your exploits. By consciously placing the vastness that contains the universe, your Point of Fixity will pick himself the power you depend to carry out any action in this world and beyond.

Check the speed of movement of the Point of Fixity can become conscious in your dream body; a discipline not to forget anything. You are contained by the weaving of a description which determines your behaviour on the psychological and all the images you see.

This scheme which affects the body feelings to the warp and tilt a person in the false reality of where it can not escape for lack of sufficient energy to free himself. The usual description of the world in which you operate determines your individual freedom, becoming an object manipulated by those who wish and they are many, and exercise power over a crowd obediently.

shaman.gifThe image of the onion is often taken as a symbol of the nature of your human form and those worlds where you are. A Medicine Wheel can be understood as an onion cut horizontally through the middle. Each element of one rule is identical to a circumference (humans, plants, minerals …).

You can explore each of these circles to discover the laws of functioning in relationship with you. “We’re connected to anything and everything is connected with us,” said Joska Soós “all the constituents of the universe we interpenetrate and are included in it.”

The people who are faithful to the Wheel of Medicine say that each of its anchors is a wheel that will test the human soul. A birth (at any age this awareness) begins at the center of the Wheel of the South. South circle is for humans, a place of innocence and images of your childhood to your teens.

Building a Medicine Wheel in a secret place, it is a way to work your dream body.
It can become a refuge mind, instead of travelling without moving, as the vocabulary of the shaman Joska Soós where most of the teachings concerning the movement speed of point Fixation. There are many of those who explored areas of the dream in which subtle plans of multiple forms of you are faced with different events detected by unexpected encounters.

There are many medicine wheels; this one is used in the Account of Sacred Twenty: Twenty movement of spiritual energy that dreamed our world. My brother Hunka, Archie Fire Lame Deer had this knowledge, the shaman Joska Soós too. Both shamans who trained me did not use drug or chemical to enter the dream. They are the heirs of ancient shamans, those who receive their medicines from the Sun, stars and constellations

The planet Earth, the stars are visible and not visible immersed in a flow of energy that allows them to exist, it enriches your sphere of micro particles of personal energy. Simply log in consciousness in this energy flow and relax; a proposal to optimize your life. But only the Guardians of the Movement of Energy determine how far your Point of Fixity can move. All these facts are true only for those who venture into this adventure, but there are places where you can not go alone, unless you have already explored by going there and coming back with a guide. There are areas where one never returns, including those where the taking of narcotics leads you: because you forget to come back!

The advantage of sleep and dream when your body rests is to wake up every time your references and habits are out of step with pictures. For a beginner, it is very valuable. The exercise of the predetermine circumstances where you would like dreaming is an excellent prelude to soften your Point of Fixity.

Open in the continuity of time becomes possible for one who has the means to turn all the circumstances which previously were his daily bread. Collect from your dream body requires a new description of the world. This change of costume for airing the report required with all those you can not avoid. Understanding how this works, ask a different understanding of movements of energy that we all have to live. Any of the readings will be determined by a description of your own mental construction, it could equally well be written differently. You have a physical body and anything else that appears in the form of light, in the form of heat in the form of vibrations in electric form and elastic.

Once you leave the only point of view of materialists, who only the body exists, a vast open: to understand, here are two exercises.

Take a sheet of white paper and place it near a lamp. Place one hand above, fingers wide apart, look only at the paper around your hand, a colour will appear, the colour of your aura device. Whenever you see this colour, raise your hand quickly, a golden white light leaves a trace more or less time. This time of the light footprint allows you to judge the cohesion between your body energy and your physical body

Elongated and relaxed, your right hand a few inches above your belly feel this warm current that goes from your hand to your body. Slowly raise your hand to observe how far from your physical body continues this trend; the space between your hand and your stomach gives an indication of your energy reserve. Over this distance, the more you are in good health. A cold current feeling is an evidence of a leak of energy; whose size is proportional to the strength of current. Once you understand how you listen, keep reviewing your energy body to check its condition! Another relevant factor is the elasticity of its texture: the more your energy body is in good condition, it is denser and supple. Your perception is by developing the exercise; you will discover other aspects of this texture.

Have an idea of the existence of energy your body allows you to progress in understanding the other yourself, like a garment of light which moves jointly with you, even when you’re awake. Those who are described as saints are seen by the brilliance of this body are clothed with a garment of light. While not all saints, we can increase our radiance.

When you enter into sleep, your body of light comes off more or less away from your physical body. Most often it will be just above: its texture allows it to communicate on another level than the material. This body receives the images of dreaming body and transmits them to your brain; it contains bodies which are appointed by the chakras or wheels most of the traditions that take into account this view. Your Chakras irrigate your physical body with very fine fibres, interactive your physical body to your energy body and your energy body with your other bodies that are always yourself. All these bodies are in interrelation with their peers. A person who is awake is aware of this kind in waking consciousness, it communicates with other minds awake. Different levels of awareness are possible.
Joska Soós specifies that only perseverance account: do not worry about what you do not know. Just start the process; it will grow more and more.

The following exercise allows you to experience how move a Point of Fixity. A caveat: the easiest way down, the most difficult thing is to go back. After dropping, go up and back demand a large amount of energy. It is not right for a beginner to venture into certain areas without the presence of a spiritual master who watches, and if necessary will get him.
Most books published on shamanic practices, as well as workshops, offer only the journey down the easiest to achieve for anyone. What did not reveal some shamans who allowed this opening by making plants and other products (a fad): one who comes by taking the drug does not reverse; it remains in the sphere constructed by the imagination of the addict when he feeds power hungry entities with emotions, the ones who cause nightmares and other terrors.

The information contained herein, concern that a shift in your Point of Fixity up. Undertake expansion up without risk. It is even beneficial for you and your family, your engine uses your skills and content of your potential.

To understand how this works, see the example of the driver at the wheel of his car:

IIt is difficult to maintain a vehicle in the center of a road if you look closely at an object on the side of the road. Your car will naturally go in the direction you look. Your eyes have a power of intent that will lead up to the car to the direction viewed. Those who practice yoga are aware of this particularity and trained to lift their eyes to stimulate their connection with their crown chakra. The Point of Fixity will act as focal point to the place where it will settle. He brings with him your perceptual awareness: you feel, you see that its presence by aligning the law that like attracts like.

To experience this reality and realize the movement of your Point of Fixity do it in a moment of intense emotion. You positive emotions and negative emotions which you want to get rid.

Raise your eyes as high as possible and blow hard, several times: calm will come when you breathe in you intend to fill this calm. When you are well trained, you can perform this same exercise for your loved ones, and even to resolve conflict. Through this positive and effective action for the greater good of all, you are in solidarity with all those working for peace.

Another method to move your Point of Fixity up is to build on your inspiration. First, breathe slowly and deeply, and then you lift your eyes, breathe slowly guiding your breath to the top of your skull. Hold the tension by blowing up just to be only in inspiration. When you’re at it, breathing settles, it allows you to explore other modes of being. Fall asleep on it to make beautiful dreams and even dreams of contacts with the Great Teachers never incarnate a privilege of the Dreamers.

Now that you know how to act and move your Point of Fixity to restore your inner balance and even testing this method in the dream, you can go further. The Medicine Wheel is also open to playing another reality described mainly in India, was the form that takes all forms. All matters by the dream body have the flexibility of the form that is moulded into any shape.

Only physical body, material objects and the physical result of things you appear in a subjective stiffness. A bone, a tree or any other density suggests you this, but you also know that it is a partial light on an aspect of the matter. The vastness of the limitless unknown that will allow you always unknowable trips expanded awareness, its active presence in where you move your point of fixity for the spouse to make another thing that kind of energy is compatible with yours.

Let’s take the example of the car: it is an object in dense matter and the physical body of man or woman who holds the wheel. I allow myself the freedom to say: which is unknown but knowable, what are the spheres of thoughts expressed by continuous dialogue within the conductor and in the form of bubbles that will seek a partner in response to depleting their own energy. These spheres of thought are aware of themselves; their duration will depend on the strength of the intention of the formula and its ability to exercise his will, for example to find a place to park the car. The activity of the spheres of thought is real although no visible form here; they move through the power lines as radio waves, you can collect them in many ways: colour, images, textures, and other feelings.

The shamans and seers describe a framework of reality that they perceive as power lines in a network that weaves a web inter-communicative with the whole thing through the places they called Chakra. That is why the Indians say its Grandma spider that spun the world.

The purpose is to take into account, seven of them are visible from the crotch to the top of the skull, without forgetting that your body has a spherical envelope (it looks more or less than the egg); which acts on moving closer to the farther away from your physical body and under the circumstances where it is located.

Where your Point of Fixity stopped a longer or shorter, relationships are established by interconnection of its position to be shared with other circumstances. You have access to what is being told as the Nadir, the middle world, the Zenith (which is low, which is in the middle, which is up), although the reality is different and closer to a description in terms of density and opacity. For the shaman Joska Soós, such phenomena similar to the frozen ice become water vapour cloud to be dissolved into the blue skies.

Your Point of Fixity and moves the layer closest to your physical body to that which is farthest from him. That is to say, from deep beneath your feet as high above your head. This description includes making a reference to nature at least seven times each of your Chakras, namely: 7×7 = 49 possible positions for humans. Joska Soós add: “beyond the 50 belongs to the deity”. Your Point of Fixity will be somewhere in that area of the 49 positions available to people during the time of their life, their physical body and it determines all circumstances, hence the growing interest of exploration and diversity contacts to avoid fixity.
Basically, you have three spaces you can explore. Some talk about going outside the physical body, astral travel, these descriptions are incomplete for the simple reason that you are never in your body, but with him and more or less next to him, more or less dilated; death separates you forever. At this point, you go directly where your point of fixity, unable to evolve. Only people, who do not sleep with death, may evolve. For example, an anguished go directly into an imaginary world where everything is about equally imaginary fears, but that person does not know. Get a deeply peaceful state of consciousness in all circumstances, is a passport.

The space between further than under your feet and your solar plexus is particularly concerned by the Four Elements and everything about your material concerns, land in terms of quantity and Send. Because of the birth by the matrix, your Point of Fixity is naturally anchored there. For many humans, it will stagnate in regions that are between the first chakra and the first worlds below. The performance of the common world is a reflection of what lies within those who are stuck there.

The space between the solar plexus and your chin is concerned relation people in terms of feelings, analysis, intelligence and communication with your fellow men. You must resolve any problem in the area above to access in terms of energy here. A problem attracts the mass of energy that is not available for deployment in another area; space is explored by those who call themselves “real men”, the natural place of the naturally grown man who leaves the region of the first Chakra expand at its heart Chakras and throat.

The space extends from your chin up beyond your crown Chakra relates to your ability to develop towards more consciousness in a form that is yours what you might be. This place is active as soon as you begin your awareness of spiritual reality, you are. It closed after becoming concerned your life with your body, even if you start to collect now.

What has been described may be conceived as vertical depths between magmatic and cosmic depths. Your Point of Fixity circulates within these two circumstances which we do not know the reality. Humility is needed before our inability to explore the totality of which only a tiny fragment is revealed.

And yet, vertigo seizes you at the immensity that you breathe, even if you never know reality. To go further, your physical body needs to support the exercise that you lay upon him, the more you move your Point of Fixity deeply, the more you will need a significant amount of energy to bring it back to be closer to reality your physical body.

All spiritual disciplines have no other purpose than this: to reorganize your volumes of energy to dispose differently. The devastation caused by the abuse of alcohol, taking drugs, cigarettes and sleeping pills are, for this life they rarely repairable. The fibres are connected with this immense vastness, become inactive. It is regions of your brain unresponsive to stimuli of the cosmos. A damaged person is condemned to Hell created by the drug. Some shamans say the assaults and injuries to your physical body have started in your energy body, and they appear on the physical weakness of your other body. They also say that it is serviceable; a cure is still possible. Your body high spirituality is not affected by the attacks of negative energies that cause injury or illness on your body. What is obliterated, the fibres are interactive with everything you could be. “It’s stuffy” Joska Soós said, “you must open more.’

In the circumstances just described, it is possible to find the location of crystallization of a problem by moving your Point of Fixity after having first placed in operation, intent on finding how and where to act. Some people are very good at this exercise; they act on impulse, intuition or inspiration. In the dream, all forms are constantly changing, without beginning or end.

When you dream, your assemblage point moves and will settle somewhere where it is driven by the emotions produced by the Five Poisons. Before falling asleep, use a trick that is to ask a question or questions that will stimulate your brain to break with the drowsiness.

The image that comes to mind is that of a lack of training Point of Fixity, because of child-rearing in the West and most of the countries that encourage the development of Own at the expense of Being. These results in an actual Point of Fixity stiffness remains in focus too long in one place. These people are fascinated by patterns in the backward-looking in loss of creativity and inventiveness. To ease the movement from the point of fixity, the following two years give excellent results.

Sitting in a park, a sunny day, you’re in front of a big tree. Breathe deeply through your mouth by putting your eyes at the base of the trunk, up into the soil to see and follow the backbone of his roots, as far as possible. With a deep breath in through your nose, your eye travels to the surface of the soil and amounts to each of your breaths following; you gradually get to the top of your tree. Your head is right in line with the axis of your neck and never bowed, your eyes will only bottom up. Determine the correct distance that allows you to exercise without moving your head. From the top of the tree where your eyes rest, take three breaths in the empty sky. With your third exhalation, you look down at the base of the trunk in the ground and limit your next inspiration, he climbs to the summit. Repeat this exercise as many times as necessary until you have a flexible joint movement to your breath..

Whenever possible, immerse yourself completely in the salt water. The ideal is to do in an ocean and stay fully covered with water as long as you can without suffocating. Failing ocean, immerse yourself in a bath of highly saline water. Have a regular practice of yoga, and all meditation techniques, cultivate the art of surprise, and act all soft stiffness to tame.

excerpted from :
– Ouverture dans la continuité du temps
– Joska Soós the Shaman
– Joska Soós and contents of Time
– How and why flowers are protecting you

In illustration of this article one of my pictures of the Shaman (2002): made in his meditation chamber. For the logo of this article an image of a pastel of the Shaman (2002) a universe is born.

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