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About recapitulation or how release your memory of picture useless


mains_flora.jpgYour memory is a multiple field, filled up with images, with feelings, with concepts, with contents of your intellect, as of all the numerous circumstances, which built your personality. Your experiment, the one that you use daily, it is also one of elements preserved by your memory.

To release your memory of the feelings which do not correspond any more to your current personality, a shaman uses the recapitulation. An emotion, a feeling, puts a screen between the world where you are today, and how you perceive it.

For example, people who know you for a long time, are thinking about you only by flashes which had impressed them, and mutually.
It is from these flashes that they build a portrait of you. Neither these persons, nor you are this remembering.

Inside these images, there is some energy which continues to make them existing. A feeling is also a beam of strengths, a will to obtain or to refuse.
As you are doing your recapitulation, you releases the energy contain in the image which dissolved by itself, because now nothing retains it.
You begin your recapitulation by putting an intention; make return to you all the energy that you scattered today.

You are lengthened in your bed, already a little sleeping, and you say simply: «that returns to me my energy, the one that I abandoned in such or such emotion “. Inspire slowly by your nose, let it return towards you. This return of energy, you feel it at the level of your tummy.

Make it from Monday till Saturday, and on Sundays which follows, recapitulate current in yesterday the impressions which appear, as they appear to you; but always by going back up your souvenirs.
The shaman Joska Soós said to me that we can go back up time beyond the day of your conception.

When a painful image resists, begin by changing its colour, for a sepia tint, then in light grey. Breathe slowly for blowing on this image, until you see it going away. Accept that this painful souvenir leaves you, while breath the pure energy restores it to you.
If you are in the fear of an forgetting; remember yourselves this subconsciously deliberate mistake; inspire slowly, until swallow your error. Breathe slowly and blowing on this image, until see it going away. Accept that this painful souvenir leaves you, while breathing the pure energy which restores it to you.
For example, you think that a hostile person manipulates an image of you. Look at the circumstances for erasing them.

As the Buddha said: ” As a magic illusion, a dewdrop or a bubble,
As a dream, a flash of lighting or a cloud,
So as it should be seen all the conditionings phenomena»
Quote of the Great Vehicle Sutra label, Sublime transcendental knowledge sharp as the diamond

Once the process becomes fluid the following recapitulation is to read your body as if it were a book. You start by observing the images kept by your toes, before opening these remained glued to your first childless steps .Slowly and slowly, you are beginning a first reading of the images that arise spontaneously.
In order not to succumb to the flood of emotions, it is good to practice a positive breathe deeply and slowly to begin a cleansing process that removes negative energy, and you inspire positive energy that comes automatically.

You can use the ebb and flow of waves of a calm sea to abandon those images that are diluted in the waves. Another way is to leaning you against the trunk of a tree that you know that its tap-root is deep. Add your images to this tree are like food. If your tree is not strong enough, indigestion will weaken it.

Other methods require recapitulation of the presence of a neutral witness and very patient who initiates the process.

Flora Desondes

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