The structure of Time looks like a net which would consist of straight lines which cross themselves by forming X which wave in the infinity, but their forms are not stiff. Each of her is crossed in the middle by a horizontal line and by a vertical line (á), but they are not in a horizontal plan.
There where lines cross themselves, in the center of this shape in star, there is a ninth element. It is there that it is necessary to enter, in this ninth point which is full of white light, and you will have crossed the Time. You are then in another universe where the light is not blinding, but it is irradiant.
At first sight, you see nothing, insist and focus all your attention. It is there that there is an opening; it is in the center of this point of light where the structure of Time echoes in the infinity six, seven and eight points. As soon as you perceive it, go inside; it is one by elongation of your body of light; but it is also a perception of your third eye.
It is in the center of this X which opens a point in its middle which cross lines of strength. They vibrate at the speed of light and even beyond, that is the speed of light which increases in the instantaneousness. It is there that you seize the primordially of Time and the timeless which takes shape there, it is like that and you can see it.
Everything is in this point of white light where you observe the structure of Time. For this meditation, you are only concentrated on the point of light, and you open a break in your breath, between the inspir and the expir.
To live the Sound, it is the listening of the silence that goes on and you get the primordially of Time. To refine your ear, begin by you stick on the sound which roams in a breath of air, in that of the sea which goes and comes or to the lapping of its waves either follow the rustle of the leaves which ring in the wind. Entirely in the listening of the silence, seize the Sound and the Time which is inside.
The Sound, it is always an experience of Time because the Sound contains the Time, it is its nucleus; he is at the beginning of any creations.
It is the exercise which makes the master, persevere until be fit to follow the sound: it is with the rustle of your singing. You increase its intensity by humming it to modulate its rhythm, and you follow the melody which murmurs in you.
It is then that you arrive in the center of the star, you know that you are there because it provokes in you a physiological reaction. Spontaneously, you begin to rock slowly of front behind or from right to left or from left to right; it is the essential Sound which animates you, it is the intensity which you live inside which makes you moves.
Your body physical as your astral body, accompany the movement and the oscillation of the vibrations of the structure of Time, it is the rhythm which connects you directly with the tide of the cosmic ocean. If you do not still feel this balance, it is because your sensibility has to become refined. It is already in you, but, you are not still enough attentive there.
– Flora Desondes, Joska Soós le chaman et les contenus du temps
– EBook Lulu