Dalaï-lama : voyages annulés
Le dalaï-lama est exténué et a dû annuler deux voyages à l’étranger pour passer des examens médicaux, a annoncé aujourd’hui son bureau à Dharamsala, en Inde.
Le chef spirituel des Tibétains en exil, qui est âgé de 73 ans « ne se sentait pas bien depuis deux jours » du fait de son « épuisement », selon le communiqué.
Le dalaï lama a passé plusieurs mois par an à l’étranger, parcourant le monde pour faire entendre la cause des Tibétains et de leur culture.
Le lauréat du prix Nibel de la paix fait partie des nombreux Tibétains installés en Inde après la répression du soulèvement de 1959 contre le régime chinois.
Site officiel de Sa Sainteté
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been experiencing some discomfort in the past couple of days. His personal physicians attributed this to exhaustion and have advised him to cancel his engagements for the time being and instead complete the remaining medical tests that began earlier this month in Mumbai. It has therefore been decided that all his schedules for the next three weeks, including the visit to Mexico and the Dominican Republic, are being canceled with immediate effect.
Upcoming Schedule
Teaching in Dharamsala (H.P.), India from September 25 to 27:
His Holiness will give three-day teachings on Je Tsongkhapa’s Song of the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lamrim dhuedon) primarily for people from southeast Asia at the request of the The Tibetan Buddhist Center (Singapore). Contact: The Tibetan Buddhist Center (Singapore), 02-28 No. 1 New World Center, Singapore 209037 Singapore Tel: +65 6491 1027 Website: www.tibetanbc.org
Teaching in Dharamsala (H.P.), India from September 30 to October 4:
His Holiness will give five-day teachings on Arya Nagarjuna’s Commentary on Bodhicitta (jangchup semdrel) and Kamalashila’s The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa). The teachings are primarily for Chinese Buddhists mainly from Taiwan.
Teaching in Basel, Switzerland from October 10 to 12:
His Holiness will give three-day teachings on Kamalashila’s The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa) and Ngulchu Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo’s The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva (gyalsey laklen sodunma) on October 10 and 11. On the morning of October 12 a long life ceremony will be offered to His Holiness. The teachings will be held at Messezentrum Basel and are organzied by the Tibetan Communities in Europe. Contact Website: www.dalailama2008.ch
Public Talk in Basel, Switzerland on October 12:
His Holiness will give a public talk on Ethical Act – Happy Life at the Messezentrum Basel organzied by the Tibetan Communities in Europe. Contact Website: www.dalailama2008.ch
Teaching in Sarnath, U.P., India from January 7 to 13:
His Holiness will give seven-day teachings on Arya Asanga’s Compendium of Higher Knowledge (ngonpa kuntue) & Shantideva’s A Guide To the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (chodjug).
Teaching in Dharamsala, H.P., India on March 11:
His Holiness will give a teaching from the Jataka Tales at the Main Tibetan Temple.
Spring Teachings Earlier Scheduled from March 12 to to 21 have been canceled this year.
Teaching in Kaza, H.P., India from July 10 to 12:
His Holiness will give three-day teachings at the request of the Sakya Monastery in Kaza. On July 10 His Holiness will give a Buddhist teaching (topic yet to be decided). On July 11 and 12 His Holiness will confer the Avalakotieshvera Initiation (chenresig wangchen).
Teaching in Frankfurt, Germany from July 28 to 31:
His Holiness will give four-day teachings on Kamalashila’s The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa). On the morning of July 31 he will confer an Amitabha Empowerment (opakmey jenang). Contact Website: www.dalailama-frankfurt.de
Public Talk in Frankfurt, Germany from on August 1 & 2:
His Holiness will have a dialogue on the theme One World One Mind One Heart on the subject of global responsibilities with selected scientisits and political and/or political personalities. He will also participate in an inter-religious event. Contact Website: www.dalailama-frankfurt.de