According to the shamans, three worlds are in constant contact. The world of physical bodies, the physical world of dreams and the world the reality of spiritual beings.
This is called Karma, or payments in laws of reciprocity acts is perceived differently. In shamanism there is no JE and no the EGO. There are people animated by life and thoughts that evolve in circumstances resulting from geographic location, social and spiritual.So karma related to country, city, family, workplace, etc., all blending into the karma resulting from the presence of bodies of dreams in the same space.The world of spiritual reality is subject to other laws that reduce the painful consequences of the presence of a person where it is located.The person itself is like a vase whose content is not fixed. His physical body is animated by the life course, but other things coexist in each vase assigned by birth.These other things are seen as tiny spheres of energy that make up a volume of corpuscles.The atmosphere is determined by the number of particles that are assembled by affinity. Only the quality of these particles that cause the karma resulting from their presence in one place.It is easy to clean a vase the only condition is mentally to rise above: it is an effort of the will which belongs to the world the reality of spiritual beings and that each vase has too.This is possible with a regular practice of Meditation and achieving inner silence.Other methods exist, such as morning and evening fumigation of cedar and sage, rituals of the ceremony Inipi if it is not mixed men and women.
– See about Inipi ceremony :
– See about using sage and cedar
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