It is interesting to know that one kilogram of fresh date and dried date provides 1570 and more than 3000 calories. It is notable that the required calorie for human being is evaluated between 2500 and 3000 calories in 24 hours.
The major part of date is composed of loaf sugar, having very high nutritious value since about 75% of its weight is made of loaf sugar materials.
Date is sweet, tasty and gourmand fruit full of calcium, phosphor, magnesium and essential vitamins for body health.
Since date has large amount of iron, one can satisfy his needs by eating 15 grs daily as to iron requirement of the body and remove consequences due to shortage of iron.
Date is effective in treatment of infantile paralysis and it is recommended to give some grains of date to children suffering infantile paralysis. Date is quite advantageous for human being since it strengthens the nerve system.
Date has extraordinary importance due to its magnesium since magnesium is recognized very helpful for kidney and vesica. One can provide the required daily magnesium by eating 2-3 grains of date.
Date has sweet taste and humor removing property. It is possible to boil 60 GRS of date in one litter of water and use it for head cold, sore throat and all the pulmonary infections.
Persons suffering diabetes can use date instead of industrial sugar like sugar beet or sugar cane since the existing magnesium within date help the operation of pancreas and kidney on the other hand vitamin B2 within date absorbs sugar components of other foodstuffs.
Nutritious, health, medical and industrial value of the date is not fully recognized. The researchers all over the world is searching and investigating in the matter.