Global Justice center, Alldaybuffet, Eli Klein Fine Art, Serene Communications, 88 Generation Students, US Campaign for Burma, International Burmese Monk Association et Ritijali se sont réunis pour créer ensemble :
Afin que cessent enfin les meurtres, viols, tortures, emprisonnements abusifs, vols, pillages, déplacements forcés, et autres crimes perpétrés en toute impunité par la dictature en place depuis maintenant plus de 40 ans, cette organisation lancera le 8 Août 2008, jour du lancement des Jeux Olympiques de Beijing, une campagne internationale de justice.
Le but de cette campagne est de faire comparaître le Général Than Shwe et le régime militaire Birman (connu sous le nom de State Peace and Development Council, ou SPDC) devant une cour internationale de justice.
Cette campagne démarrera avec une série d’évènements qui se tiendront dans des galeries d’art de grandes villes du monde, au cours desquels se rassembleront des membres des communautés Birmanes, des organisations des droits de l’Homme, d’autres militants et artistes.
The Global Justice Center, alldaybuffet, Eli Klein Fine Art, Serene Communications, the 88 Generation Students, the US Campaign for Burma, the International Burmese Monks Organization, and Ritinjali have joined to create Global Justice for Burma. Coinciding with the opening of the Beijing Olympics on August 8, 2008, this group will launch an international campaign to bring Burma’s General Than Shwe and the military regime in Burma (officially known as the State Peace and Development Council or SPDC) to justice by referring them to the International Criminal Court. This larger campaign will kick off with a series of coinciding “B8 Events” held in art galleries in major cities across the world featuring contemporary Chinese artists. These events will bring together members of the Burmese community, global human rights organizations, and other activist and creative communities.
Objectives & Vision
Common methods of international suasion, condemnation, and sanctions against Burma have failed to end 40 years of atrocities. The repression continues unabated, much of which is censored and goes unreported in the international media. For many in the international community, the degree of censorship by the current military dictatorship only became known during the regime’s crackdown on the Burmese Buddhist Monks’ protests in September 2007 and, more recently, with the events following Cyclone Nargis.
The Global Justice for Burma partners are calling for an end to impunity for these crimes against humanity and working toward bringing justice to the people of Burma by referring General Than Shwe and his military regime for prosecution by the International Criminal Court. The B8 events, petition postcards distributed at these events, and an online petition at globaljusticeforburma.org will build and spread political will for this action by bringing together diverse global communities, individuals, and organizations who support criminal accountability for General Than Schwe and other perpetrators who are responsible for war crimes in Burma, as well as facilitating direct recommendations by citizens worldwide that it is incumbent for their leaders to support ICC referral. It is hoped that the global nature of these events will capture the attention of government leaders and media, and in so doing will make the situation in Burma harder to ignore, generate greater concern for its people, and motivate citizens and leaders to help them.
Further, in addition to providing a forum where these individuals can come together on the actual date of August 8, 2008, the B8 Events will also provide the means for keeping attendees engaged and lay the groundwork for a sustained, collaborative campaign to end impunity for war crimes, torture, and genocide. While the impending Olympics have generated much conversation about international responsibility to the victims of human rights abuses worldwide, it is vitally important to these victims that this conversation and call for action extends beyond the closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games. Following the B8 Events, the Global Justice Center and Burma Lawyers’ Council legal staff will tour four countries in Asia to seek additional political support for criminal accountability via ICC referral and launch a legal report entitled “Global Justice at a Crossroads: The Legal Obligation of the United Nations Security Council to Refer Burma to the International Criminal Court.”