Sa Sainteté le Karmapa peut sortir d’Inde en Mai
Le Bureau du Karmapa annonce avec joie que Sa Sainteté le dix-septième Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, se rendra aux États-Unis du 15 mai jusqu’au 2 juin 2008.
À la fin de février, nous avons reçu confirmation de la part du gouvernement de l’Inde par M. Tempa Tsering , Représentant de Sa Sainteté le Dalaï Lama à New Delhi et le Cabinet du Ministre du Gouvernement tibétain en exil, et M. Tashi Wangdi, Représentant de Sa Sainteté le Dalaï Lama à la région des Amériques.
Nous vous confirmerons les derniers détails des manifestations publiques prochaines faites par Sa Sainteté le Karmapa.
Un calendrier des événements sera publié. pour Buddhachannel
His Holiness Karmapa to Visit the United States in May
The Karmapa’s Office of Administration joyfully announces that His Holiness the Seventeenth Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, will visit the United States from May 15 through June 2, 2008. In late February, we received confirmation from the Government of India via Mr. Tempa Tsering, Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in New Delhi and Cabinet Minister of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile, and Mr. Tashi Wangdi, Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the Americas.
We will confirm the final details of His Holiness Karmapa’s public events shortly, and a confirmed schedule of public events will be made available at that time. For travel and vacation planning, please be advised that the broad structure of the public tour schedule is provided in the announcement from the Karmapa’s Office of Administration, United States
New York City
– Thursday, May 15
Arrival in New York. Welcome Ceremony with Regional Centers
– Friday, May 16
Rest and private engagements
– Saturday, May 17
10 am : Dharma Teachings in NYC*.
2 pm : Dharma Teachings in NYC*.
Audience with the Tibetan Community
– Sunday, May 18
Audience with Organizing Sangha groups
4 pm Dharma Teachings in NYC*
7:30 pm Dharma Teachings in NYC*
Woodstock, NY
– Monday, May 19 to 22
Karma Triyana Dharmachakra
– Friday, May 23
Event at New Jersey Karma Thegsum Choling (KTD affiliate center)
Boulder, Colorado
– Saturday, May 24
Arrival in Boulder, Colorado. Welcome Ceremony with Regional Centers
Visit to Naropa University
– Sunday, May 25
10 am Dharma Teachings in Boulder*
2 pm Dharma Teachings in Boulder*
Audience with Organizing Sangha groups and Tibetan Community
Seattle, Washington
– Thursday, May 29
Arrival in Seattle,Washington
Welcome Ceremony with Regional Centers
Audience with Organizing Sangha groups
– Friday, May 30
Audience with Tibetan Community
Nalanda West Blessing
– Saturday, May 31
10 am Dharma Teachings in Seattle*
2 pm Dharma Teachings in Seattle*
– Sunday, June 1
10 am Chenrezig Empowerment in Seattle
2 pm Dharma Teachings in Seattle*
Farewell Ceremony
-Monday, June 2
Departure from United States