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Le Dalaï-Lama réclame l’aide de l’Occident / Dalai Lama appeals for support at end of private visit to Italy


Dalaï-Lama appeals for support at end of private visit to Italy


Le Dalaï-Lama réclame

l’aide morale et diplomatique de l’Occident


Les tibétains ont un esprit fort et résistant,

mais ils commencent à être irrités.

Pour cette raison, il est très important que vous continuez à soutenir notre cause…

A Turin en Italie, Sa Sainteté le Dalaï-Lama a redit au monde :

« Nous ne voulons pas l’indépendance du Tibet,

mais seulement préserver nos traditions culturelles,

qui pourront enrichir les autres traditions de Chine. »

En effet, plus que l’indépendance du Tibet,

les revendications tibétaines vont plus dans le sens d’une autonomie culturelle.

AFP, Dec 16, 2007

TURIN, Italy

The Dalai Lama on Sunday wrapped up a private 11-day visit to Italy during which he met fellow Nobel peace prize laureates and appealed for continued support for Tibet’s bid for autonomy.

« Tibetans have a very resistant spirit, but ultimately they begin to get irritated, » the exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader told regional lawmakers in northern Turin, according to the ANSA news agency.

« For this reason it is extremely important that your support continue, » he said. « Ours is a just cause… (Tibetan) culture should be preserved not just for the Tibetan people but for the entire international community because it is a culture of peace, compassion and non-violence, » he added.

The Dalai Lama made a similar appeal last Thursday in Rome, urging lawmakers to offer both concrete help as well as moral support.

The Tibetan Buddhist leader spoke in the parliament building but not in the assembly chamber as some lawmakers had wanted.
« We do not want independence for Tibet, but only to preserve our cultural traditions, which enrich even those of China, » the Dalai Lama said.


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