Taïkan Jyoji is the representative for Europe of the Rinzai school of Zen (Myôshin-ji branch, Kyoto). He was officially installed in this function by Yamada Mumon Rôshi [[Yamada Mumon Rôshi (1900-1988) was the head of the Shofuku-ji monastery in Kobe and in addition, the Superior of the three thousand temples and monasteries of the Myôshin-ji institution]] in 1976.
In 1989, Taïkan Jyoji was given the title of Kaikyo-shi (Founding Master) for Europe. Then he founded and has directed since his return of Japan the “Green Cliff” Zen Center (in French : “La Falaise Verte”).
The “Green Cliff” zen center is located in the Middle South of France, in Ardèche, near the village of Saint Laurent du Pape. The “Green Cliff” center, also named the “Shobo-ji Temple” (Temple of the Authentic Dharma), is directly linked with the Myoshin-ji headtemple.
The “Green Cliff” center is composed of a Zendo, the meditation place, and a Kyudo Dojo, where the japanese art of Archery can be practiced.
Bibliography of Taïkan Jyoji:
– La source du vide, Éditions Le Courrier du Livre, Paris,1989
– Zen et zazen, Éditions Le Courrier du Livre, Paris, 1991
– Au coeur du Zen,Éditions Le Courrier du Livre, Paris, 1996
– Exhortations zen, Éditions Le Courrier du Livre, Paris, 1996
– Itinéraire d’un maître zen venu d’Occident, Éditions Almora, Paris, 2008
– L’art du kôan zen, Éditions Albin Michel Spiritualité, Paris, 2001
– Zen au fil des jours, Éditions Le Courrier du Livre, Paris, 2006