Home Buddhist space Society Ekta Parishad is scaling up the poor people’s power for Land rights...

Ekta Parishad is scaling up the poor people’s power for Land rights in India


Preparation for the decisive movement for land access for the poor in India (called “Jansatyagraha 2012”) has begun at the grassroots level in thousands of villages of 14 states across the country with the organization of training camps to mobilize and make people aware of their land and livelihood rights as well as people’s non-violent actions. […]

Addressing a training camp of group leaders in Katni, Madhya Pradesh, the National President of Ekta Parishad, Rajgopal P.V said that we had to make plans for Jansatyagraha 2012 because the Government of India did not fulfil the promises they made after the Janadesh foot march in 2007 regarding the Land Reforms in India.

Jansatyagraha’s slogan is “Do or Die”; “we have determined together to do something to create a society free from hunger and injustice, we shall not leave it half incomplete, we have to complete it. If we want to re-move poverty and corruption from soci-ety, we have to raise voices from village to village against injustice”.

Speaking of the strategy to mobilize 100,000 people from deprived communities, the National convener of Ekta Parishad Mr. Ran Singh Parmar, said that Ekta Parishad has constituted a series of trainings to coordinate the participants of Jansatyagraha 2012 as we did for Janadesh 2007. […]


The camp coordinators as well as the group leaders (Dal nayak) presented their strength of organization, issues and strategy to consolidate people’s contribution and power towards the Jansatyagraha 2012. It was decided to put Jansatyagraha pots in each satyagrahi’s home to save grain for the movement.

Ekta Parishad is formulating the demands of Jansatyagraha. These demands are to declare and enact the National Land Reform policy, to review the rejected claims under Forest Rights Recognition Act (it is known that about 9 lakhs of claims have been rejected), to allocate land to landless people, to stop the diversion of forest land for non-forest purposes and to stop the diversion of agriculture land for non agricultural purposes, to reduce the limit of ceiling land and to allocate the surplus land to landless agricultural labourers etc.

On 2nd October 2012, 100,000 people from deprived communities will footmarch from Gwalior to Delhi for Jansatyagraha. Ekta Parishad has been listing the names of the camp coordinators and group leaders for the coordination of 89,000 participants, the remaining 11,000 people will join from the network organization.

Source: Jan Satyagraha News – May 2010

Some articles on Ekta Parishad’s activity

Khadi : The national fabric of India

Twelve years of women struggle supported by Ekta Parishad

Ekta Parishad’s short overview of the Indian rural and agricultural economy

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