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Giving life, a opening to awaking


Shamans believe that only three characters condense themselves all forms of lives. The feminine, masculine; and androgynous: which is neither male nor female, but a mixture of both.

But there is a fourth character that the shaman called Joska Soós: the Eternal Feminine, the birth of worlds. Here in the world of physical bodies, only the woman who has given birth to it naturally incorporates the sublime Love energy conscious. This: thou bring forth children in pain, is the usurpation of patriarchal monotheistic jealous of the gift of life given the womb of the woman.
Proof of all civilizations pantheistic and naturalistic where the woman is isolated in the forest to give birth alone and unaided, out of a tree and plant potions to drink it facilitated the arrival of her child. It will give the tree its placenta, and the tree will become a spiritual parent of her child. Custom dictates that the parent tree remains secret until the child reached puberty.


Why today’s woman gives birth in pain? Because she gave birth lying down, his feet trapped in stirrups and legs wide open for up to the hands of the midwife or obstetrician. This position is not favourable to the descent of the child, it reverses the movement of energy from the spiral that causes the uterus and birth weight on the diaphragm. It is this pressure on the diaphragm, which increases pain and more, the pain that is screaming parturient.

In 1950, Professor Lamaze had read a report by the Russian teacher AP Nikolayev on the doctrine of physiologist Pavlov, based on the discovery of the nervous system response than in the major functions of the body; Nikolayev demonstrated that psychological education of pregnant women could enable it to give birth without pain.In 1951 during a medical mission, F. Attends a Lamaze natural childbirth without pain, which is commonly practiced in the USSR.

Lamaze and declares: “For me it was a real upset to see this woman give birth without any painful event … all his muscles were relaxed … not the slightest anxiety in his eyes, not a cry, not a single drop of sweat beading on his forehead, not a single contraction of the face. In time, she made efforts to grow without any help, in absolute calm … After having witnessed such a thing, I had only one concern: to transplant it into France and … it became for me a fixed idea. ”

Upon his return from Russia with his student Dr. Vellay, it lays the groundwork for an experiment based on three essential conditions: obstetric (standards of natural childbirth), physical (regular training and methodological under medical supervision, to obtain a perfect fitness) and psychological, which involves placing the cerebral cortex, the cortex, under conditions of maximum activity. Through education and knowledge of actual facts of childbirth obtains this result: a woman can give birth without pain without anesthesia, epidural or suffer. This teaching inhibits reflex provoked by the story that creates in the mind of a woman suffering the certainty associated with the act of birth.

Now, here I am speaking from my experience, because my life has given me to know Pierre Vellay already very old but still master of his method. It was my midwife and I gave birth completely painless. I pay homage to him for that happiness.

How is this possible? By the third month of pregnancy, women gave birth he received an education that included the physiological study of all stages of pregnancy, illustrated boards, a suitable method of yoga which increased the flexibility of the perineum; a diet very low in salt (salt cured the perinea muscles and increases the sensation of pain) and two methods of breathing that required training to get the pace and duration. The secret to a painless childbirth is here: Breathing.

This is called breathing: breathing of the little dog, a second breath is called breathing blowing. A third breath is used in early labour, mode resembles the breathing of the little dog, but it is only the nose and mouth closed: its particularity is to oxygenate the solar plexus and the entire upper body.

The practice of these breathing is essential for the woman gives birth without pain, but not enough. Should opt for the salt-free diet is very strict when the seventh month, that is to say very little protein, not at all marine fish or egg and very little cheese if it ‘ is cottage cheese without salt and yoghurt. To overcome the absence of salt, the food is cooked in water and cooking water is fully drunk. Yoga exercises to help the woman bear the weight of her stomach and increases flexibility and muscle tone.

Training in breathing puppy is two: a woman who knows perfectly and the young woman in labour. Back home, she must continue to be practiced in order to keep the beginning of large contractions until the issue. That is to say, very long time without getting tired. To avoid dehydration, Pierre Vellay advocated a cloth dampened with cool water and a little lemon on the lips.

The little dog’s breathing is very simple, it is only through the mouth that takes the air quickly and rejected just as quickly, naturally, the eyes are looking up. By the way, you might think about not having enough time to take the air. Breathing blowing is just blowing air, you make no effort to take the air, and it is naturally, your focus is only on inspiration. Do it, you’ll see that breathing blower causes a form of immobility at the perineum. You use the third breath at the start of work to support your strength; you will determine the pace to suit your needs. To maintain the rapid pace of breathing dog, you alternate breathing blowing. At the beginning of your workout, your breathing is little lap dog is to be avoided: it should only be placed in the top of your lungs; it is this feature that requires a real workout.

Throughout the duration of your giving birth, you can breathe with the top of your lungs while your lower body becomes free from the pressure of the inspired. You must succeed only obtain any pressure on your breathing, your stomach that cause back pain.

Your breathing becomes more natural and less you remember. You enter an altered state, your contractions are present and powerful, but only your body does.All your concentration has moved into a space above your body, a form of levitation to see your body and above, free of pain. Another effect of this breathing is a state of total love and happiness.I was there, above my body and I watched the waves that were formed, similar to that of the swell. In this ocean, life would arise ….

Giving birth without saying that pain is required, imposed by a kind of magic spell causes an opening in another mode of consciousness, and called Intensity shamanism. Intensity is a quality of presence achieved in meditation as she leads her – even rupture of valuable internal dialogue. You do your breathing, and deep breathing in this. This ability not forgets, you forget to find it in listening carefully to your child. It’s pure altruism, compassion, equanimity only that neither accepts nor rejects without any trial. You’ve also acquired a natural quality of patience that opens the first fruits of awaking.

This method received in Russia by Professor Lamaze and he brought in France to transmit it to be won twice, with Pierre Vellay to be brought before the Council of the College of Physicians and will be laundered in 1954.
Pius XII is a real surprise, January 8, 1956, taking a stand for the ASD (painless childbirth) to seven hundred physicians and gynaecologists. He said: “The method is of impeccable moral standpoint.”

– To see also : Teaching of Shaman Joska Soós

Flora Desondes

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