Home Shop Book — Nirvâna – Louis de La Vallée Poussin

Book — Nirvâna – Louis de La Vallée Poussin


Here at last is something solid concerning the concept of nirvâna! Now that the introduction by Buddhist schools in the West has become patent – the base having been sown, “the true question remains” – it is high time to question oneself fully both on the true meaning of their fruit and on their established premises. Let us note: historically there is the affirmation by an Enlightened being, the masters of different schools and lineages, the levels of interpretation and degrees of practice, multiple techniques of concentration, a hundred or so meditative explanations and applications and the unique meditative goal (since one does not talk about the final reintegration of parinirvâna because, in the supreme identity, all the distinctive functions fall): nirvâna – the ultimate status of letting go – still remains nebulous.

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