Home Buddhist space Ecology Jellyfish strike back

Jellyfish strike back


The mono-diet of jellyfish in place of shrimp and other fish, it’s coming. Their predators always sea turtles that were killed for trivial soup canned; tuna to become more sashimi and sushi, but also essential to the niçoise salad and sandwich Tunisia (people scream scandal when chefs decide to stop cooking it) and also the nice dolphins in aquariums and giant sharks certainly decimated for fin soup. The question of the exponential proliferation of all species of jellyfish in the seas is valid. The Chinese eat and we to ????? Pretty soon because they poison the flesh of fish that pass too close to their large tentacles, some are long over thirty meters for a diameter of over three meters. Currently, the nets in Japanese, is the medusa of Echinez, 200 to 300 kg to 2 meters in volume. This is not a distant exotic, Norwegian fjords, via the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, they are also along the African coast, the declining number of fish, nothing can stop their expansion. Large consuming eggs and fry of other fish, jellyfish are becoming masters of the oceans. There are 550 million years ago the first animals Paleozoic already resembled jellyfish whose oldest fossils are older than 500 million years. If we do not let us reassess what we eat fish he will eat only love jellyfish and waive dipping bathing in the sea.

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