Home Buddhist space Society Text written for the Conference of ONG – UNESCO – Paris

Text written for the Conference of ONG – UNESCO – Paris


Text written for the Conference of ONG

who will take place of September 3, 2008 with UNESCO in Paris.

Let us proclaim one new era, a new humanism

where the term D `foreign would be banished.

Let us not be us not the children of the life.

Let us announce that hunger, the disease, misery,

the contempt, hatred makes insult with humanity.

Each individual is not it an alive cell

that it is necessary for us to defend, respect, like.

Let us proclaim that each government should ensure

vital minimum with its most stripped citizens

so that they live with dignity on the ground of their fatherland.

The rich countries would be the guarantors.

Let us announce that we want to cut down one by one walls drawn up by the history

who imprison us body and heart.

Let us proclaim that time will come where all the children will be our children,

where fraternity and peace

will flower on the ground and in the beat of our hearts.

I say it, of all the forces of my hope,

it will come time when science will discover a new basket.

We will not have any more the same hunger,

same thirst, neither the same glance, nor same desires,

nor the same breath.

The heart will beat of a new rate/rhythm.

The planet will be a garden, we will live stars,

the life will reveal us all its splendours.

Human time will have come.


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