International Burmese Monks Organisation
An appeal to the members of international and multi-faith organizations, families and citizens of the world.
17th december 2007.
Sasana Moli (International Burmese Buddhist Monks Organization), which was formed on October 27, 2007, is making an appeal to the following: leaders of the nations, religious and social organizations, literary lovers and fine artists, experts in science, technology and arts, and families residing in various countries to note the following agenda aimed for the peaceful co-existence of the people and organizations in the world in general, and for peace and the sustenance of Sasana in Burma in particular.
Sangha (monks) and the lay people in Burma – living under the repressive military regime – are facing arrests, torture, imprisonment, expulsion from their home and land, forced silence. There is no more peace and prosperity in a land [once known as the “Rice Bowl of Asia”] and facing the three dangers: famine, war, and disease. An appeal is made to the international families to help protect them with their karuna (compassion) and metta (loving kindness).
We express our heartfelt thanks to the United Nations Organization, the President of the United States of America and his family, the US Government and the members of Congress, the Prime Minister and cabinet ministers of the United Kingdom, leaders of European Union, the governments of Canada and Australia for condemning the inhuman acts of the Burmese military regime and for imposing sanctions. We urge them to continue taking actions that will expedite the peace and tranquility in Burma.
We also express our heartfelt thanks to the religious leaders such as His Holiness the Pope, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Desmond Tu Tu for voicing and highlighting the much needed peace in Burma. With their spiritual leadership, the citizens of the world can and will help the peace process in Burma. And at the same time, we are also encouraged when we received the honorary degree from the University of San Francisco on behalf of Burmese monks inside Burma for their courageous sacrifice and peaceful protest for the peace and freedom of Burma and its people.
We are highly indebted to Amnesty International (AI), Human Rights Organization, Reporters without Borders, International Labor Organization (ILO) and numerous other organizations that are concerned with human rights for compiling and publishing the atrocious acts committed by the Burmese military regime. We request them to continue [to let the people all over the world aware of the plight of the Burmese monks and lay people].
Sangha (monks) and the lay people both inside and outside Burma are risking their possessions and lives simply to uphold the noble teachings of the Buddha and to struggle for the peace and prosperity in Burma. We urge the governments, religious leaders, academic societies and experts in the various fields — science, technology, arts, fine arts, management – to act as groups and individuals to lend a helping hand to the Burmese monks and people in any way possible. We appreciate their compassion and boundless love for the oppressed Burmese.
We, the Burmese Buddhist monks, pledge to uphold the dhamma (teachings of the Buddha) and to cooperate with the people of Burma and all families over the world towards achieving lasting peace, human and religious rights in Burma.
This statement issued by Sasana Moli will be used as a basis by the members to disseminate the organizations and families of the areas [under their jurisdiction] with the purpose of building “forces working for peace” [in Burma and throughout the world].
Patron, Masoeyein Sayadaw U Kovida
Sophie Alvarez pour