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Acceptance of self and life: Less effort and greater power



In life, sometimes less is more, and a mindset for acceptance bears fruits of benefits, when giving up the need to be in control or right.

Most people spend an immeasurable amount of energy resisting life. Resistance of life comes at many levels. At the intrapersonal level, the inability to accept the self leads to addictions and dysfunctional behavior, according to psychologist Steven C. Hayes.

Resistance at the interpersonal level includes the need to control others, to impose a point of view, or the need to justify the self. At the highest level, there is the resistance of the universe, which occurs whenever there is a resistance to the present moment.

Modern physics, and Buddhism, offer an alternative view of time. From a Buddhist perspective, the present moment contains within it the past and future; each moment is created from the moments that came before it. Modern day physics theorizes that at each moment the past, present and future are occurring concurrently, to resist the present moment is to resist the entire universe.

Acceptance, from a spiritual point of view, is not a passive approach to life; it is a position of strength and wisdom. By accepting the self, there is no internal conflict. Energy is not wasted in denial, guilt, or fear. By accepting others, others are allowed to be themselves, and energy is not wasted in trying to control others, or in changing their point of view. By accepting the present, there is freedom from the beliefs of how life should be, and empowerment by taking responsibility, without blame, for those areas of life that are less than satisfactory.

Practicing non-judgment, meditation, or a spiritual practice, such as Buddhism, brings awareness to a greater state of life within, a source of wisdom and strength that exist independent of events or circumstances. A life based on this state of life, where judgment is minimized, and taking responsibility is maximized, leads to a life that is aligned with life and its infinite potential.

Adapted from Deepak Chopra’s “7 Spiritual Laws to Success.”

The SGI Phoenix Culture Center offers Buddhism 101 meetings, providing visitors with an introduction to Buddhist practice. You can contact them at (602) 861-1313.

Author : Andrew Silver

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