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Important Beliefs in Buddhism


Buddhists seek to follow the path of the Buddha toward enlightenment.
Buddhists seek to follow the path of the Buddha toward enlightenment.
Buddhism teaches its followers how to live a peaceful life free from the suffering caused by material attachment. Buddhists believe in gaining deeper insight into their lives and the nature of the world around them. Unlike many other religions, Buddhists do not worship gods or other deities — only the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment.

The Four Noble Truths

Some of the most important beliefs of the Buddhist faith are the Four Noble Truths. These are the beliefs taught by the Buddha that provide the framework for Buddhist faith. The first noble truth is the principle of suffering. It states that suffering occurs when reality fails to live up to human expectation. The second noble truth teaches that suffering comes from the three roots of evil: greed and desire; ignorance; and hatred. Pursuit of any of these three roots will cause suffering in others, as well as in yourself. The third noble truth deals with the cessation of suffering; it claims that by helping others and finding happiness, we can attain nirvana and end suffering. Finally, the fourth noble truth provides an eightfold path that helps individuals end their suffering.

Karma and Resurrection

Like Hindus, Buddhist believe that good and bad deeds cause individuals to accrue good and bad karma. Good karma comes from helping other people and acting selflessly, while bad karma results from following the three roots of evil. Buddhists also believe that individuals live many lives, and that the karma individuals accumulate over the course of their lifetimes helps determine the form of their next life. This life may be animal or human, or even exist outside this plane of reality, as Buddhists believe this world is one of several planes of existence.

The Buddha and Worship

Many Buddhist beliefs originate from the Buddha, who attained enlightenment and handed down the teachings that Buddhists follow. Buddhists do not worship the Buddha as a supernatural or powerful being. Rather, they show respect for his teachings and the wisdom he provided. Buddhists do, however, pray to the Buddha in daily life or in Buddhist temples, where monks pursue a life of quiet contemplation. Buddhists also show respect by giving offerings of food, clothing and other goods to these monks, who rely on the generosity of such patrons.

The Middle Path and Enlightenment

Because Buddhists believe that life is suffering, the end of such suffering is the ultimate goal for Buddhists. To achieve this, Buddhists must follow a middle path that doesn’t cater to any one extreme. For example, Buddhism preaches that good deeds and the pursuit of wisdom are both moral paths to follow, but being a kind fool or a wise but morally corrupt individual are equally bad choices. Instead, Buddhists should seek moderation in all things, and by doing this they will understand the true nature of all things and attain enlightenment. Buddhists who attain enlightenment end the cycle of death and rebirth and escape the suffering of the material world, they believe.

– By James Stuart, Demand Media
– Source : people.opposingviews.com

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