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Won Buddhism of Boston



Establishment of the Boston Temple

In July of 2001, Reverend Youngju Kim came to Boston with the intent of establishing a Won-Buddhist temple in the greater Boston area. It took nearly one and half years to find the right place and to register it as a non-profit organization in Massachusetts.

During this time, Reverend Kim had to move four times, renting a small room for her own residence. Experiencing many hardships, both culturally and financially.

Reverend Kim began organizing a meditation and dharma group. The group met regularly at her own small room and consisted of several Won-Buddhist students of Harvard, MIT, Boston, Tufts, and other universities.


Reverend Kim gave meditation instruction and delivered dharma talks about the Won-Buddhist doctrine and the enlightenment of the Great Master Sotaesan (1891-1943). The initial members of that small group expressed their true eagerness and sincerity of Won-Buddhist faith and practice and became the essential motivation and spiritual foundation of the creation of Won-Buddhism of Boston.

In November 2002, the current place temple was found and purchased by Won-Buddhism of Boston. Now, the dream of establishing a Won-Buddhist temple in the Boston area is a reality and the door is always open to the public as the place for the spiritual cultivation and Buddhist studies.

Anybody who pursues living an enlightened and compassionate way of life may come and join Won-Buddhism of Boston. We are sure that the teachings of the Great Master Sot’aesan will guide your spiritual journey, meditatively, philosophically, or practically, in all aspects of your life. Come visit Won-Buddhism of Boston today !

Image-10.gif Contact :
Won Buddhism of Boston
7 Hill Street
Somerville, MA 02144
Website : boston.wonbuddhism.org

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