Home Buddhist space Food Temple serves up specials, Spokane Buddhist Temple (USA)

Temple serves up specials, Spokane Buddhist Temple (USA)



Members of the Spokane Buddhist Temple have been busy rolling, cutting and cooking senbei for their Spring Food Bazaar.

The salty, sweet rice crackers will be sold Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the temple’s annual lunch bazaar. The Buddhist temple at Ninth Avenue and Perry Street offers the traditional Japanese crackers ($3.50), teriyaki chicken bento ($10) and sushi ($8) take-out.

The sushi rolls must be pre-ordered. Inari and other baked goods also are sold.

Get there early for the best selection. The teriyaki and senbei often sell out. Pre-order by calling (509) 534-7954.

The Buddhist Temple’s lunch bazaar is part of Japan Week festivities, which offer an array of cultural experiences through April 29.

Contact :

927 S. Perry Street

Spokane, WA

Tel : 99202 (509) 534-7954

Website : www.spokanebuddhisttemple.org/

Source : http://www.spokesman.com

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