Home Directory Centers Olympia Zen Center, United States

Olympia Zen Center, United States



DSC06299-2.gifOlympia Zen Center is a Soto Zen Buddhist temple and lay community founded in 1995. Their resident priest is Eido Frances Carney Roshi.
They offer daily meditation and services, open to everyone.
The center is just 5 miles from the center of downtown Olympia on a beautiful site along the Chehalis Western Trail.

They also offer monthly one-day retreats, weekly retreats, guest facilities for personal retreats, public events with visiting teachers, Dharma teachings, community study of texts, individual meetings with the teacher, and training and experience in all forms of Soto Zen practice.

Moreover, they are completely supported by Donations which come from the heart of Generosity of their many benefactors.

Contact :

Olympia Zen Center

3248 39th Way Northeast

Olympia, WA 98506-9644,

United States

Tel : (360) 357-2835

Website : www.olympiazencenter.org

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