Home Directory Centers Wat Srinagarindravararam, Switzerland

Wat Srinagarindravararam, Switzerland


The Thai Buddhist monastery Wat Srinagarindravararam is located at the outskirts of the village Gretzenbach (NW Switzerland). The monastery was officially inaugurated in 1996.

Princess Srinagarindra (1900-1995)
Princess Srinagarindra (1900-1995)
The monastery is named after the mother of the reigning King Bhumipol, Princess Srinagarindra.

As in Asia, the monastery and temple are surrounded by a wall to demarcate the religious and profane spheres.
The “Wat” (Thai for monastery) was financed by donations from Thai and Swiss people and gifts from the Thai Royal court. In particular, the royal mother Princess Srinagarindra (1900-1995) contributed generously and enabled to establish this religious and cultural center for Thai people who live in Switzerland.

Her Holiness Princess Galayani Vadhana, sister to King Rama IX, Bhumibol Adulyadej, inaugurated the new building. The building had cost about 4.7 million Swiss francs (US$ 3.8 mill.).

wat1.gifInside the temple (Ubosoth) there is a huge Thai styled Buddha figure at top of the altar. The Ubosoth is used for the assembly of monks, for ordination ceremonies of novices and monks as well as for the fortnightly recitations of the rules of discipline by the monks.

The towering golden Buddha is called Phra Buddhajinaraja, the emerald–green Buddha in front Phra Keo, of much importance in Thailand. The altar is splendidly decorated for the religious ceremony of Kathina, the ritual offering of gifts to the monks.

Moreover, we have a principal hall. The multi-purpose function hall, able to accommodate up to 350 people, has a stage at its end. The platform is used for both religious ceremonies and cultural events such as Thai dances and song contests. The hall is also used for educational purposes of the youth, a Sunday school is regularly held as well as classes in Thai language.

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