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Learn Buddhist terms 1



安居 Ango (1245)

The Summer Retreat

(a) Shobogenzo, Shasta Abbey, tr. by Hubert Nearman
The Retreat

(b) Shobogenzo [Book 4], tr. by Nishijima & Cross
Practice Period

(c) Beyond Thinking: A Guide to Meditation, ed. by K. Tanahashi
The Training Period

(d) Shobogenzo, the Eye and Treasury of the True Law, Nishiyama & Stevens

阿羅漢 Arakan (1242)


(a) Shobogenzo, Shasta Abbey, tr. by Hubert Nearman

The Arhat

(b) Soto Zen Text Project, tr. by S. Weinstein

The Arhat

(c) Shobogenzo [Book 2], tr. by Nishijima & Cross

The Arhat

(d) Shobogenzo, the Eye and Treasury of the True Law, Nishiyama & Stevens

梅華 Baika (Baike) (Baige) (1243)

Plum Blossoms

(a) Moon in a Dewdrop, edited by Kazuaki Tanahashi

The Plum Blossom

(b) Shobogenzo, Shasta Abbey, tr. by Hubert Nearman

Plum Blossoms

(c) Shobogenzo [Book 3], tr. by Nishijima & Cross

Plum Flowers

(d) Soto Zen Text Project, tr. by S. Weinstein (forthcoming)

Plum Blossoms

(e) Shobogenzo, the Eye and Treasury of the True Law, Nishiyama & Stevens

辨道法 Bendoho (1244-1246, “at Daibutsuji”)

How to Train in Buddhism

(a) Zen is Eternal Life, by Abbess Houn Jiyu-Kennett, Roshi

The Model for Engaging the Way

(b) Dogen’s Pure Standards for the Zen Community, Leighton & Okumura

Procedures for Pursuing the Way

(c) Soto Zen Text Project (forthcoming)

辨道話 Bendowa (1231)

On the Endeavor of the Way

(a) Moon in a Dewdrop, edited by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Discourse on Doing One’s Utmost Practicing the Way of the Buddha | citations (Ferrying)

(b) Shobogenzo, Shasta Abbey, tr. by Hubert Nearman
Talk on Wholehearted Practice of the Way

(c) The Whole Hearted Way, tr. by Okumura & Leighton

A Talk on Wholehearted Practice of the Way | citations (Love Letter to Zazen)

(d) Selections, Commentary by Zenkei Blanche Hartman,
from Dogen Zen and Its Relevance for Our Time (tr. S. Okumura)

Talk on the Practice of the Way

(e) Shikantaza, An Introduction to Zazen, tr. by Shohaku Okumura

A Talk about Pursuing the Truth

(f) Shobogenzo [Book 1], tr. by Nishijima & Cross

Discourse on the Practice of the Way (Commentary) | citations (Dualities Realized)

(g) Eihei Dogen: Mystical Realist (2004), Hee-Jin Kim
Negotiating the Way

(h) The Heart of Dogen’s Shobogenzo, tr. by Waddell & Abe
Lecture on Training

(i) Zen is Eternal Life, by Abbess Houn Jiyu-Kennett, Roshi (法雲慈友禪師)

(j) The Soto Approach to Zen, tr. by Masunaga Reiho

according to Hee-Jin Kim, Taigen Daniel Leighton, Steven Heine, et al

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