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Italian Buddhist Union


Unione Buddhista Italiana


Italian Buddhist Union

The Italian Buddhist Union (Unione Buddhista Italiana, UBI) is a corporation that gathers a significant portion of the Italian Buddhist community (up to now 39 association and foundation are members). The UBI is a religious and worship corporation, which also performs cultural and charity activities, and does not represent any specific Buddhist school, but aims to sustain the whole Italian Buddhist movement, respecting all the Tradition of the Doctrine with all its branches. The UBI gathers and assists different Italian Buddhist groups, promotes their initiatives focused to spread the Teachings and Practices of Buddhist doctrine, and sustains their mutual collaboration.

The UBI promotes a common celebration at national level of Vesak every year. Finally UBI has been acknowledged by the Italian government as the official representative of Buddhism in Italy.

– Sede Legale: Via Euripide, 137 00125 – ROMA

Indirizzare la corrispondenza a:
– Casella postale 10351- Roma EUR – 00144 – ROMA
– + 39.349-2543115

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